在MVVM的架構下,通常為了將事件及邏輯從View的code behind(.cs檔)中搬離,會使用到Command,不過Command的建置作業比傳統的事件較為麻煩,在參考Blend 的WPF資料繫結應用程式專案及Google之後,發現不需使用Command而且還能跟原本的事件相容,並且搬移到ViewModel中!


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記錄常用的Windows Phone Nuget套件:


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  在 Zoom Mode打開後,兩指放大後,會自動置左的問題,除了Zoom Mode = "true"外,還需設定HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Auto" ,將水平捲軸顯示打開。

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string APSERVER_URI = "http://webservice.asmx";

 ServiceReference.wsSoapClient client = new ServiceReference.wsSoapClient(); 
client.Endpoint.Address = new System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress(APSERVER_URI); 
var response = await client.MethodAsync(requestXML);

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            Car car = new Car();
            car.root = new Root();
            car.root.list = new List();
            car.root.name = "海德格";
            car.root.data = "救我";
            for (int f = 0; f < 10; f++)

class to json, then to xml

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