import UIKit


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只跑一次的Globa function:

/// Run once after delay if no be called
/// - Parameters:
///   - delay: delay time
///   - saveCurrent: should put it to 'property scope'
///   - getCurrent: should pass 'weak' self property
///   - once: do once closure
func runOnce(delay: TimeInterval,
                saveCurrent: inout DispatchTime?,
                getCurrent: @autoclosure @escaping () -> DispatchTime?,
                once: @escaping () -> Void)
    let begin: DispatchTime =
    saveCurrent = begin
    DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: begin + delay) {
        guard let current = getCurrent(), current == begin else {
            print("Ignore because still be called")
        print("Run once")



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protocol OrderPickUpViewModelFactoryProtocol {

extension OrderPickUpViewModelFactoryProtocol {
    fileprivate typealias TResult = OrderPickUpCellViewModelUpProtocol
    fileprivate func createRows(info: OrderDetailModel.ShuttleInfo, _: TDesc.Type, _: TLocation.Type, _: TSubDetail.Type, _: TTitle.Type) -> [TResult]
        where TDesc: OrderPickUpDetailDescCellViewModelProtocol,
        TLocation: OrderPickUpDetaiLocationCellViewModelProtocol,
        TSubDetail: OrderPickUpDetailSubDetailCellViewModelProtocol,
        TTitle: OrderPickUpDetailTitleCellViewModelProtocol
        var rows: [TResult?] = []
        rows.append(TTitle(titleText: "AAA")))
        rows.append(TLocation(titleText: "BBB"))
        // .....        

        return rows.dropNil

1.在工廠extension 內預設實作商業邏輯


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Label 設定AttributedText後,需重新指定LineBreakMode

titleLabel.attributedText = NSMutableAttributedString(string: viewModel.model.title, attributes: titleAttributes)

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在unit test 裡面會發現compile 會出現 Failled to import bridging header

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